Le triste remake libanais

Deux ans après le châtiment collectif imposé par Tsahal au Pays du Cèdre,  le Liban semble à nouveau sur le point de sombrer dans la guerre civile. Au point que les diplomaties arabes réunies à Doha s’évertuent à trouver une issue à une crise sans qu’aucune lueur d’espoir ne vienne jusqu’ici éclaircir l’horizon levantin.

Si le Hezbollah a tenu tête à l’une des plus grandes armées du monde, comment ne pas comprendre qu’il dispose bien d’un réel soutien et d’une popularité croissante au sein de la population libanaise comme syrienne. Comment ne pas craindre que la paix armée arrachée de haute lutte l’été 2006 ne dégénère en conflit direct. Plusieurs signes le laissent hélas augurer.

Les Nations Unies, toujours en première ligne sur un terrain miné, ont ici aussi les mains liées et restent cantonnées à un rôle d’observateur.  La diplomatie française, autrefois décisive dans la région, ne brille guère par son discernement. Même si, après avoir bêtement, rompu ses relations diplomatiques avec Damas, Paris les a renouées dernièrement. La récente visite de G. W. Bush en Egypte ne montre aucun signe d’un quelconque infléchissement de la politique internationale menée par Washington.

Faut-il enfin désespérer des Libanais, plus divisés que jamais? La Suisse du Proche-Orient n’est plus que l’ombre d’elle-même… Toujours sans présidence, un gouvernement paralysé depuis plusieurs mois, des côtes polluées, le Sud miné du pays miné par des tonnes de bombes à sous-munitions déversées pendant les derniers jours de la guerre de 2006, ravagé par plus de trente de guerre – larvée ou ouverte -, coincé géopolitiquement entre Damas et Téhéran…

Un basculement dans le camp démocrate de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique n’infléchirait hélas en rien la position américaine sur ces dossiers. Et sans le soutien de Washington, tout commencement de progrès dans la région est voué à l’échec. Le mandat de la FINUL 2 reste impossible à tenir… Le Hezbollah n’est pas disposé à accepter d’être désarmé sans contre partie; on peut le comprendre.

Last but not least, le dossier palestinien dont dépend tout l’équilibre de la région, reste abandonné aux calendes grecques. Le Quartet est devenu aphone ; on abandonne Gaza, véritable prison à ciel ouvert, faut-il encore le rappeler…

On refuse de parler au Hamas– pourtant démocratiquement élu sous contrôle international… et ce faisant, on prend le grand risque de provoquer un enracinement de l’intégrisme islamiste et de faire des Territoires occupés un « Gazastan » où les filiales d’Al Qaida auront – si ce n’est déjà fait – toute latitude pour tirer profit des échecs de « l’impérialisme américain ».

On ne fait pourtant la paix qu’avec ses ennemis… Israël – qui fête son 60e anniversaire – veut-il encore vraiment la paix ou, deux ans après avoir été tenu en échec par une poIgnée de combattants du Hezbollah, continue-t-il de s’enfoncer dans un déni de réalité géopolitique. Le Hezbollah est-il vraiment le problème ou bien n’est-il que de la poudre aux yeux jetéE à l’opinion par une Administration Bush dont l’incompétence au Moyen-Orient est manifeste.

Claudine Girod/Palais des Nations


    Les Douaniers

    Une dame distinguée rentre de Suisse en avion. Elle s’y retrouve assise à
    côté d’un brave curé à qui elle demande :

    ‘Pardon, Mon père, EST-ce que je pourrais vous demander une faveur?’

    ‘Bien sûr, ma fille, que puis-je faire pour vous?’

    ‘Voici: je me suis acheté un épilateur électrique super sophistiqué que
    J’ai payé extrêmement cher. J’ai vraiment dépassé les limites permises et
    J’ai peur de me Le faire confisquer à la douane. Ne pourriez-vous Le
    Dissimuler sous votre Grande soutane?’

    ‘Bien sûr, Mon enfant, que je Le peux. Seulement je dois vous avertir que
    Je NE sais pas mentir…’

    ‘Vous avez tellement bon visage, on NE vous posera sûrement aucune

    Et elle lui remet l’épilateur.

    L’avion arrive à destination. Et vint Le tour du curé de se présenter
    Devant Le douanier:

    ‘Mon père, vous avez quelque chose à déclarer?’

    ‘De la tête à la ceinture, je n’ai rien à déclarer, Mon fils.’

    Trouvant cette réponse un peu étrange, Le douanier ajoute:

    ‘Et de la ceinture vers Le bas, qu’est-ce que vous avez?’

    ‘J’ai là un merveilleux petit instrument destiné aux femmes, mais qui
    N’a jamais été utilisé…’

    Et Le douanier dans un éclat de rirel ‘ Passez, Mon père. Au suivant ! ‘


  2. Alors, alors… vous en êtes vous, int his strange afternoon in Geneva…

    Ben, moi, enfin à casa… Sergito a finaly retrouvé one key, Mig est parti avec l’autre, CO a acheté battery et rideau de douche…

    on peut désormais loger huit personnes dans les 70 mètres carrés qui je loue pour ….2080 francs mensuels… Et oui, et pis, c’est même pas si cher pour Dogville…

    Bref, il faut que je file récupérer Citizenito de l’autre côté du Rhône… en attendant d’autres rives… Riviera…



  3. Les Libanais respirent. Une période de répit d’une bonne année vient, peut-être, de s’ouvrir pour eux après l’accord que leurs dirigeants politiques ont conclu, mercredi 21 mai, à Doha et qui est supposé insuffler un retour au moins provisoire à la normale. Le premier signe de l’apaisement a été le démantèlement du camp de tentes de l’opposition qui paralysait le coeur de Beyrouth depuis le 1er décembre 2006. Les travaux d’évacuation devaient être achevés jeudi. D’ores et déjà, les propriétaires de restaurants et de commerces dans cette partie de la ville, fermés depuis près de dix-neuf mois, ont commencé les préparatifs de la réouverture. Les actions de Solidere, la société qui reconstruit le centre de Beyrouth dévasté par la guerre intestine de 15 ans (1975-1990), ont enregistré une très forte hausse.


  4. Notición para los ecologistas y concienciados con el medio ambiente:

    tenedlo en cuenta!

    Google ha sacado un nuevo buscador para ayudar a repoblar el Amazonas

    y los bosques de todo el mundo. Se llama http://www.ecoogler.com , funciona

    igual que el buscador google.com y cada vez que lo usemos se donará 1

    hoja (muchas hojas hacen un árbol).

    SERIA MUY IMPORTANTE QUE LO PASARAS, ya que no nos cuesta nada y


    Ecoogler nació ante el grave problema que se nos avecina: la

    deforestación. Por eso creamos este buscador, y cada vez que tu

    hagas una búsqueda en nuestro buscador estarás donando 1 Hoja para

    repoblar los bosques. El donar una hoja es una forma simbólica, pues

    cada 1.000.000 de hojas donadas se hará una donación a la asociación

    Aquaverde para repoblar el Amazonas y los bosques de todo el mundo.

    Ecoogler usa la tecnología Google Custom Search.

    Ecoogler muestra los mismos resultados que google.com, por tanto te

    animamos a que uses Ecoogler y además de buscar lo que necesites

    estarás ayudando a repoblar los bosques.



    La Journée internationale des Casques bleus des Nations Unies sera célébrée, au Palais des Nations à Genève, le jeudi 29 mai 2008, sur le thème «Soixante ans d’opérations de maintien de la paix de l’ONU». La cérémonie se tiendra à 15 heures au Mémorial des Nations Unies, dans le Parc Ariana, et, de 16 à 18 heures, dans la salle du Conseil.

    Organisée par l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève en collaboration avec «l’Association internationale des Soldats de la Paix», la cérémonie rendra hommage à tous les hommes et les femmes qui ont servi et continuent de servir dans les opérations de maintien de la paix, pour leur professionnalisme, dévouement et courage et pour honorer la mémoire de ceux qui ont perdu la vie au service de la paix.

    Le Directeur général de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève, M. Sergei Ordzhonikidze ouvrira la célébration qui se déroulera en deux parties. La première partie consistera à la levée du drapeau des Nations Unies au Mémorial des Nations Unies dans le Parc Ariana. Un groupe de jeunes, participant à un marathon pour la paix, présenteront alors un «message de paix» spécial au Directeur général. La seconde partie consistera en une table ronde dans la salle du Conseil à partir de 16 heures. D’éminentes personnalités participeront à une discussion interactive en présence d’invités composés d’anciens soldats de la paix, de représentants des pays membres, d’organisations non gouvernementales, de représentants de la presse et de membres du personnel des Nations Unies.


  6. FROM WHO:

    Ce matin lors du briefing de presse des Nations Unies, j’ai annoncé une conférence de presse à la clôture de l’assemblée demain samedi 24 mai. Comme il est virtuellement impossible de prédire à quelle heure l’Assemblée mondiale de la Santé va clore ses travaux demain samedi 24 mai, on ne peut pas non plus savoir à quelle heure la conférence de presse aura lieu.
    Plusieurs journalistes m’ont contacté et exprimé l’idée que cela n’était peut-être pas la meilleure des formules.
    Le Département de la communication de l’OMS a décidé en vue de la situation d’annuler la conférence de presse. Un communiqué de presse de clôture avec des noms de personnes à contacter pour des informations supplémentaires vous sera envoyé dès que possible demain (plutôt dans le courant de l’après-midi).


  7. The Secretary-General

    Yangon, 23 May 2008

    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being here. This is a special occasion, in many ways, not least because my visit here is the first of an UN Secretary-General in 44 years.

    I came here to give the people of Myanmar a message of hope—that the world is watching, and that the world is with you.

    I must tell you. Flying over the Irrawaddy delta yesterday, I saw the saddest things: homes and villages destroyed, fields flooded, roads and bridges washed away, so many lives lost. We work hard in our lives, for ourselves and our families. And then, in a moment, it is gone.

    I am humbled—humbled by the scale of this natural disaster, the worst your country has ever experienced, and humbled by the courage and the resilience of the Myanmar people. During my visit I heard the most tragic stories. At a refugee camp, villagers told me of the loss of their families, their loved ones, everything they owned. But I also saw homes—and lives—being rebuilt.

    Life continues. I met a mother, living in a tent, who gave birth to a baby girl only hours before my visit. She was healthy. So is her infant daughter. They have a future. I told them my heart was with them, and to not lose hope. I know they will not, for they have already proved it.

    And I told them that I—as well as the international community and the entire UN family—will do everything possible to help.

    I am encouraged by my discussions with Myanmar’s leadership. From all I have seen, the government, with help from the international community, have put in place a functioning relief program. But I told them that more needs to be done. Their efforts need to be reinforced, quickly, by international experts with tested experience in handling emergencies.

    In this regard, I specifically asked the government to liberalize visa policies and to grant unhindered access to foreign aid experts, and also journalists, so that they can operate freely and effectively throughout Myanmar. I also asked the government for permission to establish forward logistics bases in the affected areas so as to more efficiently distribute aid and coordinate assistance to those in need. I further requested the government’s cooperation in deploying the extra assets needed in such operations—among them transport boats and helicopters.

    I am happy to report that we have made progress on all these issues. This morning, I had a good meeting with Senior General Than Shwe.

    He agreed to allow international aid workers into the affected areas, regardless of nationality. He has taken quite a flexible position on an issue that, until now, has been an obstacle to organizing coordinated and fully effective international aid and assistance operations. He has also agreed that visa issue will be speeded up.

    The Senior General also agreed that Yangon Airport could be used as a logistical hub for international aid, from which it could be more quickly distributed to those in need. He further agreed that international aid could be delivered to Myanmar via civilian ships and small boats.

    I hope all these agreements can produce results quickly. Implementation will be the key. Finally, we have agreed on the kind of effective coordination and consulting mechanisms we need, and we are finalizing the details with ASEAN as well. I warmly welcome ASEAN’s leadership.

    I return to Yangon for the international pledging conference on Sunday, where Myanmar’s partners will discuss these matters in greater depth. Our goal will be to focus on the immediate relief efforts, and also to look at the recovery phase which will have to start in parallel. We need to galvanize the leadership and resources required to give concrete expression to our good will toward Myanmar and its remarkable people.

    Thank you. I have time for a few questions.


  8. HELLO,

    WHAT’S UP?


    Emma & Nata vont s’en donner à coeur joie!!!

    @vos pinceaux virtuels,


  9. en la cocina
    con el sergito y el chiquito

    citizenito, citizenclo, citizenco &cie
    y tambien el omarito…

    l’aventure est derrière la porte, philosophe Re.Opend0911


  10. Les JO du péquin
    13 Avril 2008
    Tu te lèves le matin,Oh noooooonLa table n’est pas débarrasséeOh noooooonTu dois faire la vaisselle,Tu dois descendre les poubelles…Les JO du PéquinC’est du soir au matinEt ça dure toute la journéeLes JO du PéquinAujourd’hui et demainLes dimanches et les jours fériés, Yeah, YeahTu dois faire le repassageOh nooooonTu dois faire le ménageOh nooooonTu dois passer à la crècheAvant d’aller travaillerLes JO du PéquinC’est du soir au matinEt ça dure toute la journéeLes JO du PéquinAujourd’hui et demainLes dimanches et les jours fériés, Yeah, YeahTon voisin est plus en forme que toiPourtant il a les mêmes activités que toiIl a sans doute un secretIl est sûrement sans-papiersCar la condition du sans-papiers pousse à faire du sport…Les JO du PéquinC’est du soir au matinLes plus forts c’est les sans-papiersLes JO du PéquinAujourd’hui et demainLes plus forts c’est les sans-papiersParce que sans papier :Passer la frontière, ça c’est sport !Prendre le métro, ça c’est sport !Courir dans la rue, ça c’est sport !Nager dans la Seine, ça c’est sport !Sauter du balcon, ça c’est sport !Jouer à cache-cache, ça c’est sport !Aller à l’école, ça c’est sport !Se faire contrôler, c’est pas sport !Allumer le feu, ça c’est sport !Eteindre la flamme, c’est pas sportViser la Lune, ça c’est sport !Mourir sur scène, ça c’est sport !Faire du sport, ça c’est sport !Etre jus de raisin, ça c’est sport !Pilote de F1, ça c’est Prost !Supporter le PSG, je sais pas !Augmenter les prix, c’est pas sport !Augmenter les caissières, ça c’est sport !Monter les escaliers, ça c’est sport !Sentir sous les bras, ça c’est sportLes JO du PéquinC’est du soir au matinLes plus forts c’est les sans-papiersLes JO du PéquinAujourd’hui et demainLes plus forts c’est les sans-papiers


  11. Given the recent news that WordPress.com might be blocked in Brazil, we would like to share some information about the case and our response.

    A Brazilian judge ordered that one blog hosted at WordPress.com should be blocked in Brazil. A local ISP association mentioned it would do so via IP address blocking, something that would compromise access to WordPress.com in Brazil and would not block the blog.

    We filed a motion on Monday, explaining, in essence: a) how our service works; b) our terms of use and US laws apply to content hosted on WordPress.com; c) we oppose censorship and will not take down the blog ourselves unless it violates our terms of service; d) the best ways to handle the blocking of this blog in Brazil without compromising the access to WordPress.com.

    The terms of the lawsuit are confidential so we cannot disclose all the information we would like at this time, such as the names of the parties involved or the blog address.

    We are represented in the case by Marcel Leonardi, a Brazilian attorney, law professor, and cyberlaw scholar. He is working on the case pro bono on behalf of the WordPress.com community.

    We hope to have this matter resolved within a few days and will keep you updated.

    Português Brasileiro
    Em virtude das notícias recentes a respeito do possível bloqueio do WordPress.com no Brasil, nós gostaríamos de compartilhar algumas informações sobre caso e nossa resposta.

    Um juiz brasileiro determinou que um blog hospedado no WordPress.com deveria ser bloqueado no Brasil. Uma associação local de provedores de serviços de Internet mencionou que isso seria feito por meio de bloqueio de endereço IP, algo que comprometeria o acesso ao WordPress.com no Brasil e não bloquearia o blog.

    Apresentamos uma petição na segunda-feira, explicando, em síntese: a) como nosso serviço funciona; b) nossos termos de uso e as leis norte-americanas se aplicam ao conteúdo hospedado no WordPress.com; c) não aceitamos censura e não removeremos o blog a não ser que ele viole nossos termos de uso; d) quais são as melhores formas de lidar com o bloqueio deste blog no Brasil sem comprometer o acesso ao WordPress.com.

    Os termos do processo judicial são confidenciais e não podemos revelar todas as informações que gostaríamos neste momento, tais como o nome das pessoas envolvidas e o endereço do blog.

    Somos representados neste caso por Marcel Leonardi, advogado, professor de direito e pesquisador de temas de Direito e Internet no Brasil. Ele está trabalhando no caso gratuitamente, em nome da
    comunidade WordPress.com.

    Esperamos resolver este assunto dentro dos próximos dias e manteremos vocês atualizados.

    (My apologies if I messed up the formatting of any of the Portuguese above.)


    Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

    wordpress.com block in Brazil
    Posted: Wednesday, April 30th, 2008 at 9:41 am
    Filed under: International, Language, Localization, WordPress.com.
    Tags: brazil, marcel leonardi

    173 Responses to “WordPress.com in Brazil”
    Wordpress responde aos anseios brasileiros « lusosfera
    April 30th, 2008 at 9:50 am […] responde aos anseios brasileiros 30Abr08 Matt acaba de publicar um post no blogue do WordPress, um texto explicando explicando as providências que o serviço tomou em relação ao possível […]

    Paula Góes
    April 30th, 2008 at 9:52 am Thank you very much for this, Matt, we hope they will understand how WP works now and have a more sensible approach to it.

    WordPress Blocked? « Unseen’d
    April 30th, 2008 at 10:48 am […] περισσότερες πληροφορίες διαβάστε τον Matt, αυτό αλλά και τούτο. Tagged with: brazil, IP block, λογοκρισία, […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 11:39 am Very curious about what the content of the weblog is.

    Πιθανό ban του wordpress στη Βραζιλία « Altervedo’s Weblog
    April 30th, 2008 at 11:56 am […] αρχές τις πολιτικές λειτουργίας του. Σύμφωνα με δημοσίευση στα news του wordpress, οι άνθρωποι του wordpress παρέχουν σχετική βοήθεια για το […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 12:15 pm Yes, one of my friend in Brazilian, and she uses WordPress all the time, but she lives here in the U.S.

    April 30th, 2008 at 12:36 pm Your Portuguese is perfect and THANK YOU and to Marcel for fighting against this arbritary act imposed by folks who doesn’t know how the internet works. Blocking a whole domain because of 1 stupid blogger? C’mon…

    Good luck for us all!

    April 30th, 2008 at 1:34 pm OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooo!!!!!

    Bloqueio do WordPress no Brasil: finalmente, uma resposta oficial « InfoBits
    April 30th, 2008 at 1:52 pm […] Fonte: WordPress.com Blog […]

    Caso WordPress.com no Brasil : Marcel Leonardi
    April 30th, 2008 at 2:04 pm […] abaixo, o press-release da empresa Automattic Inc. a respeito do caso, divulgado hoje em seu blog oficial. Português […]

    Fernando Pereira
    April 30th, 2008 at 2:05 pm Diga não ao bloqueio!
    o HumorVip Apóia esta causa!

    Celso Bessa
    April 30th, 2008 at 2:37 pm Matt. Almost perfect the portuguese writing.
    Just two minor corrections:

    “algumas informações sobre o caso”

    “as leis norte-americanas quese aplicam”

    But, you could mispelled or misformatted a lot more… and i would still being grateful to you and Autommatic (and Marcel) because your clear position, trying to balance what is the best to our community, to Autommatic and to Brazilian Courts too.

    Standing for principles and beliefs (open source and community power, avoiding censorship, and yet, respect laws) always was one of the reasons i admire Automattic and use Automattic products and serves and I still using wordpress.com even when i have my own domain, use wordpress as CMS and suggested to anyone that ask me about CMS.

    Is the kind of corporative (and personal too) behavior inspired the way i do business and relationships.

    So, same way i wrote you an open letter, now i write this note and say:

    Thank you, guys.

    See ya, write ya, read ya.

    Best Regads, hug’s and keep wordpressing.

    Celso Bessa
    Brazilian WordPresser

    PS: If by chance you guys come to Brazil, to São Paulo City. Are my guests to some beers, pizzas.

    April 30th, 2008 at 3:04 pm You guys know that you are somehow being blocked in China too? The Chinese readers on my blog can only access it if they pass through Hong Kong.

    April 30th, 2008 at 3:20 pm This is incredible! How many brazilians bloggers will suffer damage to their freedom?

    Open Letter: Automattic notes about WordPress block in Brazil « Celso Bessa Post-its
    April 30th, 2008 at 3:21 pm […] like the one the brazilian blogging community got a few days ago. But sometimes, we wake up with news that are really good. The kind that keeps the balance and make us hope for better […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 3:34 pm Infelizmente, ainda vivemos numa espécie de ditadura internética. Querem bloquear tudo na marra.

    April 30th, 2008 at 3:54 pm What is it with you and getting blocked? First it was Turkey, now this. Worse luck for Brazilians.

    Manoj Sterex
    April 30th, 2008 at 4:13 pm That’s good. Happy to know that WP.com has taken up the issue and filed a motion. Hope things clear up for our Brazilian Brothers!

    WordPress se pronuncia oficialmente sobre o bloqueio do serviço no Brasil. « TI World
    April 30th, 2008 at 5:12 pm […] de ver no meu painel do WordPress o texto publicado pelo Matt. O texto está escrito em inglês e em português do Brasil, basta ir até o fim da […]

    Acesso aos blogues hospedados no WordPress em risco no Brasil (?!) « problemas | teoremas
    April 30th, 2008 at 5:13 pm […] http://wordpress.com/blog/2008/04/30/wordpresscom-in-brazil/ […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 5:15 pm Matt,

    “…. technical misunderstandings from ABRANET, the organization that represents brazilians ISPs…. The judge’s intention was only determinate the block of one specific blog that contained outlaw material. But ABRANET told that there wasn’t another way to accomplish it without to block entire wordpress.com”

    That’s what a Blogger at http://aquini.wordpress.com/2008/04/23/about-wordpresscom-block-in-brazil/ has to say.

    Em primeira mão – Sobre o bloqueio da WP « Ziks and Icyng BLOG
    April 30th, 2008 at 6:14 pm […] na coluna “What’s Hot” dos ADM’s de Blog’s mostra o título “WordPress.com in Brazil” eu rápido cliquei alí e […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 6:18 pm 1- outdated laws and stupid judges.
    2- people who think they can do everything, just using their money
    3- the same ones, we-don’t-give-a-… to the users’ opinion, likes and dislikes…

    It’s a shame to say these things about my own country. I really hope that Marcel, in the name of all WP’ers (not only Brazilian ones) can revert this situation.

    April 30th, 2008 at 6:22 pm I hope it is resolved.
    good luck to you !

    April 30th, 2008 at 6:25 pm That’s a bit annoying.

    Global Voices Online » Brazil: WordPress attorney blogs blogs about the blocking
    April 30th, 2008 at 6:44 pm […] Leonardi [pt], the Brazilian attorney who is representing WordPress in the case of a possible ban on the platform in the country, blogs: “In the motion filled by […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 6:58 pm Just to clarify, Marcel wrote the statement and the Portuguese, not me!

    WordPress.com in Brazil « Jorpaes
    April 30th, 2008 at 7:22 pm […] o link com o texto integral apresentado hoje pela […]

    Novidades sobre o possível bloqueio da WordPress no Brasil « Softwares™ Tecnologia e Deskmod
    April 30th, 2008 at 7:24 pm […] Fonte: Blog Oficial da WordPress […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 7:25 pm Long life for the WordPress and good luck for the lawyer.
    Thanks WordPress.

    April 30th, 2008 at 7:37 pm Hope this gets resolved soon enough. It would not be good if it keeps dragging on. Just wondering what the content of the blog is that got it to this point. Good Luck guys.

    El Santo
    April 30th, 2008 at 7:43 pm It’s always surprising to hear news like this. WordPress has always struck me as one of the most intelligent and civil blog hosting sites around.

    Clavis Prophetarum
    April 30th, 2008 at 7:48 pm Thanks for the Info!

    And here a differente version of the portuguese text (in the portuguese from Portugal, not portuguese from Brasil version):

    “Em virtude das notícias recentes a respeito do possível bloqueio do WordPress.com no Brasil, nós gostaríamos de compartilhar algumas informações sobre caso e a nossa resposta.

    Um juiz brasileiro determinou que um blog hospedado no WordPress.com deveria ser bloqueado no Brasil. Uma associação local de fornecedores de serviços de Internet mencionou que isso seria feito por meio de bloqueio de endereço IP, algo que comprometeria o acesso ao WordPress.com no Brasil e não bloquearia o blog.

    Apresentamos uma petição na segunda-feira, explicando, em síntese:

    a) como o nosso serviço funciona;

    b) os nossos termos de uso e as leis norte-americanas que se aplicam ao conteúdo hospedado no WordPress.com;

    c) não aceitamos censura e não removeremos o blog a não ser que ele viole nossos termos de uso;

    d) quais são as melhores formas de lidar com o bloqueio deste blog no Brasil sem comprometer o acesso ao WordPress.com.

    Os termos do processo judicial são confidenciais e não podemos revelar todas as informações que gostaríamos neste momento, tais como o nome das pessoas envolvidas e o endereço do blog.

    Somos representados neste caso por Marcel Leonardi, advogado, professor de direito e pesquisador de temas de Direito e Internet no Brasil. Ele está trabalhando no caso gratuitamente, em nome da
    comunidade WordPress.com.

    Esperamos resolver este assunto dentro dos próximos dias e manteremos vocês atualizados.”

    April 30th, 2008 at 8:24 pm Congratulations WP!
    And thank you.

    Celso Bessa
    April 30th, 2008 at 8:37 pm Then, i will say to him: Shame on, you Marcel! Ok, i will believe it was just a mistyping error. It happens.

    Então, eu vou dizer a ele: Que vergonha, Marcel! Ok, eu vou acreditar que foi só um erro de digitação. Acontece.


    Celso Bessa

    Bloqueio da WordPress No Brasil: Advogado se pronúncia oficialmente « Tech Mundo
    April 30th, 2008 at 9:01 pm […] Blog Oficial da WordPress, por Matt […]

    Marcel Leonardi
    April 30th, 2008 at 9:22 pm Yes I did – and it was very late when I finished it, so any mistakes are my own.

    Mas Kopdang
    April 30th, 2008 at 9:24 pm Responsive, Matt..
    Take a responsibility to clean up the problem.

    April 30th, 2008 at 10:12 pm This is crazy, block an entire network for one blog. That makes no sense, WordPress cannot be held liable for everything that goes on in a users’ if it doesn’t violate the TOS.

    Global Voices Advocacy » Brazil: WordPress attorney blogs about the blocking
    April 30th, 2008 at 10:16 pm […] Leonardi [pt], the Brazilian attorney who is representing WordPress in the case of a possible ban on the platform in the country, blogs: “In the motion filled by […]

    April 30th, 2008 at 10:20 pm Good Luck with the lawsuit!

    April 30th, 2008 at 10:23 pm Matt,
    Keep up the good fight. WordPress rocks!!

    Marco Almada
    April 30th, 2008 at 11:06 pm Brazilian judges hardly understand anything about how the Internet works; about a year ago, YouTube was blocked here for a short while because of some celeb tape. Good luck for Marcel.

    April 30th, 2008 at 11:20 pm Political censorship is not acceptable. Period.

    Ditadura PC do Lula da Silva « perspectivas
    April 30th, 2008 at 11:28 pm […] pelo Poder politicamente correcto do Lula da Silva. Desta feita, um juíz brasileiro decretou a suspensão da publicação no Brasil (o absurdo não tem limites) de um blogue alojado no WordPress.com. Porém, o juíz teve azar: os […]

    May 1st, 2008 at 12:28 am Thanks for going to bat for Brazilian bloggers – and for everyone with a WordPress.com blog who stands to lose a huge potential audience.

    May 1st, 2008 at 1:39 am Good luck guys!

    the forester
    May 1st, 2008 at 2:56 am The terms of the lawsuit are confidential so we cannot disclose all the information we would like at this time, such as … the blog address.

    Wow, wonder if it’s me?

    Tiago Dória Weblog » Blog Archive » Resposta oficial sobre o bloqueio do WordPress.com
    May 1st, 2008 at 4:39 am […] a resposta oficial da Automattic, empresa responsável pelo WordPress, sobre o possível bloqueio da rede WordPress.com no Brasil. […]

    May 1st, 2008 at 2:12 pm Going south in a month and hope this resolves prior to my departure. Judging by what little I understand of Brazilian culture and attitudes, this must be an easily rectified misunderstanding.

    May 1st, 2008 at 2:29 pm It is hoped that Brazil does not learn the art of censorship from Singapore and China, then we will sadly have to add another country that has been placed state control, and it’s citizen’s comments banned by a fascist government. we hope not for your sake. we hope not for the sake of freedom.
    our hearts are with you.


    May 1st, 2008 at 2:49 pm Just out of curiosity, if you can disclose this — What were the “best ways to handle the blocking of [the] blog in Brazil without compromising the access to WordPress.com” that you mentioned in your motion to the court? What was the motion for, reconsideration of the order?

    Gaël Legannec
    May 1st, 2008 at 5:20 pm We got the same issue some time ago, regarding the blocking of a You Tube videoclip… The brazilian You Tube community showed strength and the You Tube blocking just lasted a few days, the “victim” of the exposed video removing her complaint after a while when her fame starting falling…

    In the current case – which I presume is related to either difamation or child sex (pedofilia?) – I guess you have your reasons to not block the corresponding blog, although I think you might have some day to be able to do that – be it related to Brazil or to whatever country with different laws than the american ones – just to allow the growing of your services worldwide. There’s a trade-off in expanding out of one’s country which is to be able to adapt or adjust to other cultures and laws. Brazilian laws aim to protect people from inacceptable behaviours, so letting them be by-passed can only generate trouble.

    However, I just hope an effective and localized solution will be applied to this case, so that everyone can keep the benefit of wordpress.

    Good luck and Best Regards,

    Jefferson de Souza Gomes
    May 1st, 2008 at 7:13 pm engraçado…
    um comunicado vocês traduzem quando interessa mas as próprias regras do serviço não tem em português brasileiro….

    Notícias oficiais sobre o bloqueio do WordPress.com no Brasil « Diário da Cidadela
    May 1st, 2008 at 8:24 pm […] WordPress.com in Brazil […]

    the rufus
    May 1st, 2008 at 9:30 pm Brazil – we are with you *dreaming-from-the-copacabana*

    May 1st, 2008 at 11:11 pm The Telepathic Crickets on the ClapSotronics editorial board and I stand firmly behind Photomatt and the anti-censorship crew at WordPress…

    i can has feedstatz?

    The scientifically impossible I do right away
    The spiritually miraculous takes a bit longer


    May 2nd, 2008 at 12:35 am Eu como usuari do wordpress acho uma tremenda falta de concenso, com os internaltas, tirarem o wordpress do ar, isso é ditadura… isso é coisa do século passado vamos tomar providencias úteis… e deixa o povo trabalhar!!!

    May 2nd, 2008 at 12:37 am Eu ate acho que o wordpress devia ser mais a brasileirado como todos nós….

    Notícias sobre o Bloqueio da WordPress.com « H2O DeskMod 2008
    May 2nd, 2008 at 1:20 am […] Esperamos resolver este assunto dentro dos próximos dias e manteremos vocês atualizados.” Fonte: Visto no Diário da Cidadela – Fonte Original: WordPress.com […]

    May 2nd, 2008 at 1:21 am Sad sad…

    Sou brasileiro e me envergonho com a estupidez dos juizes brasileiros que sao atrasados, ignorantes, e nao entendem a logica do mundo atual.

    Shame on this stupid brazilian judges.

    WordPress luta contra o bloqueio « Ti@go Gomes
    May 2nd, 2008 at 3:43 am […] resposta, o WordPress protocolou uma petição na Justiça dando explicações, e deu satisfação aos seus usuários em seu […]

    WordPress no Brasil « Cabeça Vazia
    May 2nd, 2008 at 6:44 am […] mas anteontem o WordPress publicou uma resposta oficial ao caso. A quem interessar possa, leia aqui. Escrito por rafaelmoretti Arquivado […]

    May 2nd, 2008 at 9:33 am I love WordPress intensely and madly for this. Go for it. Say no to censorship! Hoist all flags you folks out there!

    WordPress se manifesta sobre possível bloqueio «
    May 2nd, 2008 at 11:16 am […] Finalmente o WordPress se pronunciou sobre o assunto do possível bloqueio de sua página no Brasil. A Automattic, empresa por trás do portal de blogs, se manifestou em um post. Leia na íntegra. […]

    May 2nd, 2008 at 12:49 pm Lembre-se valorize a vossa família, sempre:.

    WordPress se pronuncia a respeito do bloqueio « Garotos São Espertos
    May 2nd, 2008 at 12:49 pm […] in WordPress.com […]

    May 2nd, 2008 at 4:23 pm batty

    May 2nd, 2008 at 5:47 pm Hey guys, its funny cause i recently posted this quote in my blog, but i thought it was relevant to you guys in this situation…

    You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
    -Winston Churchill

    I love your unwavering stance of WordPress. It might get you guys into some deep stuff, but this is what makes wordpress so…. WordPress.

    J. A. Carizo
    May 4th, 2008 at 12:17 pm Well, cyber-censorship is happening not only in China, Brazil, Burma but in a great part of the world. Well, I vehemently oppose censorship. But for bloggers like us, I guess we should also be responsible for what we are writing. Thanks WP and Matt for sharing.

    May 4th, 2008 at 3:16 pm Good luck guys…. Thank you for standing up for free speech.


    More attacks on free speech, On Bloggers and now on WordPress.com in Brazil « Chuck’s Place
    May 4th, 2008 at 3:45 pm […] Matt from WordPress.com reports: A Brazilian judge ordered that one blog hosted at WordPress.com should be blocked in Brazil. A local ISP association mentioned it would do so via IP address blocking, something that would compromise access to WordPress.com in Brazil and would not block the blog. […]

    fim da saga wordpress no brasil? — Chá Quente
    May 4th, 2008 at 8:53 pm […] mesma semana em que Matt Mullenweg anunciou que a Automattic, responsável pelo serviço WordPress, contratou um advogado brasileiro para […]

    May 4th, 2008 at 10:06 pm That what they wanted to do is ridiculous. But if , someday they try o do it again, they won’t because we’re here to support you.

    May 5th, 2008 at 1:55 am Caro Matt

    Sou jornalista, filiado à Associação Brasileira de Imprensa, e fiquei estarrecido quando soube de mais esta decisão judicial. Não conheço detalhes da ação, mas se o blog em questão não fere as políticas de uso do WordPress, provavelmente a ação visa impor censura, agredindo o texto da Constituição Brasileira, cujo artigo 220, parágrafo 2º, declara que “é vedada toda e qualquer censura de natureza política, ideológica e artística”.

    Mais grave ainda é a intenção de bloquear o endereço IP do WordPress, o que impediria o acesso – apenas no Brasil – a um dos melhores serviços de blogs da internet, utilizado por profissionais liberais, jornalistas, professores, estudantes, que a partir de um serviço gratuito e de ótima qualidade, podem desenvolver trabalhos pessoais ou profissionais na internet.

    Sou Coordenador de Comunicação de um colégio na Zona Sul de São Paulo e utilizamos o WordPress, tanto para criar blogs de professores quanto para utilizá-lo em projetos especiais em sala de aula.

    A Associação Brasileira de Imprensa, que em seus 100 anos de existência, sempre lutou neste país contra a opressão e a censura certamente irá se manisfestar contra esta decisão infame, que avilta o direito de centenas de pessoas e que traz de volta a censura autoritária.

    Talvez, com um certo sentimento nostálgico da época dos desmandos da ditadura, certos juízes ainda não perceberam que este país já não é mais uma replubliqueta de bananas.

    Sorry for the mistakes in translation below.

    Dear Matt

    I am a journalist, affiliated to the Brazilian Association of Press, and I was astonished when I heard about this new judicial decision. I do not know details of the action, but if the blog in question does not violate the WordPress’s politcs of use, probably the action seeks to impose censorship, going against Brazilian Constitution’s text, whose Article 220, paragraph 2, states that “it is forbidden any and all censorship of political, ideological and artistic.”

    Even more serious is the intention of blocking the IP address of WordPress, which would prevent access – only in Brazil – one of the best Internet blog’s service, used by professionals, journalists, teachers, students, which from a free service and excellent quality, can develop personal or professional work on the Internet.

    I am Coordinator of Communication of a scholl in the South Zone of São Paulo, use WordPress, both to create blogs for teachers to use it as a special projects in the classroom.

    The Brazilian Association of Press, which in its 100 years of existence, has always fought in this country against oppression and censorship, certainly will manifest your indignation against that infamous decision, which demean the rights of hundreds of people and brings back the authoritarian censorship.

    Perhaps, with a certain nostalgic feeling of the time of constraint of dictatorship, some judges do not appreciate that this country is no longer a banana republic.

    O bloqueio do Brasil « Diario de um webmaster
    May 5th, 2008 at 5:27 am […] pm Pois já não bastava o bloqueio a Cuba agora parece que vai mesmo para a frente o bloqueio do Word Press no Brasil. Se pensarmos que nos meus blogues W.P para aí 60% dos visitantes são Brasileiros, vou ficar com […]

    May 5th, 2008 at 5:55 pm Excelente ver que a WordPress está atenta e dá valor aos internautas brasileiros, especialmente aos que utilizam sua plataforma em seus blogs. Vi muitos comentários em blogs, temerosos de que ficassem bloqueados e também temi. É com satisfação que percebo que escolhemos uma ferramenta que apóia seus usuários até mesmo nesse tipo de situação e se preocupa em atender seus anseios. Quando optei pelo WordPress para desenvolver meu blog eu buscava o melhor, agora vejo que a escolha foi acertada.

    IceCream » Blog Archive » Agora sim: cada um no seu quadrado – Aconteceu, pensou, postou, derreteu
    May 5th, 2008 at 8:36 pm […] que a ameaça só poderia ser, de fato, uma pegadinha do malandro, tem fundamento. O WP declarou, oficialmente, que não é bem assim MESMO. E nem poderia. Marcel Leonardi, professor de direito e pesquisador […]

    May 6th, 2008 at 12:16 am Matt,
    sería tan feliz si pudiera entenderte.
    Como lo lamento.
    Con lo mucho que sonríes tú…
    Saludos .~)

    May 6th, 2008 at 12:19 am Estou na torcida para que não ocorra o bloqueio.
    Como citei em alguns fóruns, até por conta do que motivou a esse bloqueio… “Nós, blogueiros do WP, não deitamos na tal cama!” Se querem punir alguém, que o faça com quem filmou e divulgou.

    Força ai, Marcel Leonardi!

    May 6th, 2008 at 12:25 am Hey Matt..
    Thanks for the update! I live in Brazil and have a blog with some of my friends at WordPress, mostly because it is great and easy to use. We were very worried about how this lawsuit would effect our blog and even fearing that wordpress would totally block Brazil from there service.
    I hope everything works out! Thanks again for the update!

    May 6th, 2008 at 1:38 am I use wordpress for care agents, for people with hemophilia and other blood disorders here in São Paulo…so many of us use blogs to share experiences, informations…I have learned a lot by circulating and visiting other blogs.

    Somos livres de escrever o que pensamos.
    Vivo aqui e amo o Brasil..más as vezes é de lascar!

    WordPress Blocked In Brazil « memoirs on a rainy day
    May 6th, 2008 at 2:21 am […] Tags: asides, blocked, blogs, Brazil, censorship, politics, social, wordpress WP responds to recent news that WP.com is blocked in […]

    May 6th, 2008 at 2:32 am Gostaria de saber se esta notícia: http://buscatech.blogspot.com/2008/05/fim-da-novela-bloqueio-do-wordpress.html , já bastante disseminada entre os blogs brasileiros, de fato representa o fim da questão.

    May 6th, 2008 at 2:38 am One of the comments was about child sex, and it’s possible that it’s the reason for the block. However, it’s illegal in the US, so WordPress would have to remove any pictures or blogs that link to said pictures anyways.

    I’m not sure how that would affect Man-boy love sites, as the information isn’t really illegal in the US, no matter how much it might be against what most people would like (including myself).

    The Bagel of Everything
    May 6th, 2008 at 3:09 am A free world begins with free communication.

    I’m proud to be a part of WordPress

    Salve-se Quem Puder – Pt. 2 « Mestre das Letrinhas
    May 6th, 2008 at 3:25 am […] bloqueio da wordpress, bloqueio da wordpress no brasil, WordPress O Matt escreveu nessa página isso: Em virtude das notícias recentes a respeito do possível bloqueio do WordPress.com no […]

    propaganda press
    May 6th, 2008 at 5:50 am let me guess, poverty, hunger, drugs, gangs, guns etc have been eliminated in brazil!
    so now they’ve got time to spend on these core issues

    May 6th, 2008 at 7:57 am It’s nice news

    Crônico Renitente « 42.
    May 6th, 2008 at 9:29 am […] Justiça Brasileira quer impedir o acesso ao WordPress.com no Brasil por causa de 1 sujeito que colocou fotos da namorada nua no […]

    wordpress.com block in Brazil « the anAlyst
    May 6th, 2008 at 11:01 am […] wordpress.com block in Brazil http://wordpress.com/blog/2008/04/30/wordpresscom-in-brazil/ […]

    May 6th, 2008 at 1:22 pm I hope this here isn’t really needed, but as you can’t access wordpress.com from china, i use this tho get over the “great firewall”: proxy.pac file as described on http://www.lostlaowai.com/commentary/blog/2007/03/26/blogspot-blog-quick-fix/

    might be helpful for brazil too…

    cheers from Beijing,

    Bloqueio do WordPress « Tyrannosaurus Rex
    May 6th, 2008 at 1:49 pm […] comunicado da equipe do WordPress.com (em inglês e português) e reações sobre a […]

    May 6th, 2008 at 4:13 pm Olar,
    Equipe wordpress, caso seja necessário testemunhas do quanto o wordpress vêem contribuindo para a educação e democratização no Brasil. Por gentileza entre em contacto connosco que teremos total disponibilidade para ajuda-los e testemunhar.

    Graças a esse blog hoje nossa realidade em nossa faculdade é outra e estudantes que antes faziam estágios em empresa como mão de obra barata mudou.

    Além de podemos escrever sem censura e actuaremos de fato em nossa área que escolhermos por profissão. O fazemos de graça, pois entendemos que o jornalismo é mais que uma profissão e sim uma missão.

    Conte connosco!

    Bianca Povoleri.
    Estudante de Jornalismo e
    Esditora do Blog Unica Voz.

    May 6th, 2008 at 4:40 pm yo hablo español, no se si me entiendan pero ami me gusta brazil, y practico deporte brasileño, capoeira

    May 6th, 2008 at 4:49 pm everything is very clearly in portuguese, thanks for the news.
    i would be very happy if wordpress wins this case! come on, it’s just a blog, and if offends so much and it affects wordpress image, than, delete it. and if it doesn’t, where is it the part where the law says about freedom of speech?

    May 6th, 2008 at 5:24 pm only club penguin

    May 6th, 2008 at 6:28 pm I hope they get WP better now lol

    As patetadas dos órgãos federais no WordPress « Random Dumplings of Wisdom
    May 6th, 2008 at 6:33 pm […] finalizar, hoje vejo no WordPress a notícia que a Justiça chegou a pensar em barrar o WordPress, como caso particular de um blog, no Brasil. Que idiotas! Não existe outra denominação para […]

    May 6th, 2008 at 7:54 pm e um viva a liberdade de expressão.

    May 6th, 2008 at 8:28 pm Good Luck with this, and continue working like now

    May 6th, 2008 at 8:34 pm Most of brazilian judges are even unable to understand what internet means. Sometime agora an idiot blocked even the Youtube because an famous model did sex in a public beach, and a paparazzi just put the video in it. So don’t be worried if they block this site. It’s part of the smart brazilian law system such atrocities.

    May 6th, 2008 at 9:14 pm Quando fiquei sabendo do bloqueio do endereço wordpress.com para o brasil fiquei totalmente triste e com muito medo de perder meu blog.
    Espero que por causa de uma pessoa muitas não sejam prejudicadas….espero que se resolve…a comunidade brasileira no wordpress aguarda resposta.
    Tudo da certo!

    um grande abraço!

    »亇૭ηy ߣДcк «
    May 6th, 2008 at 9:18 pm Aeeeee!!


    Finalmente, nada de bloqueio.. huhu

    Também, olha quantas respostas…. Já imaginou se todos esses blogueiros doB rasil ficassem sem postar? o.O

    VAI OU NÃO VAI SER BLOQUEADO? ¬¬ « Mais um Blog Inútil | Tudo o que você NÃO queria Ver!
    May 6th, 2008 at 9:31 pm […] com nosso WordPress! Para ver a notícia em Português e Inglês no Blog Oficial da WordPress, só clicar aqui, e quem quer ver nesse post em Português porque é MAIS MELHOR Em virtude das notícias recentes a […]

    Brazil channels China « Internet Scofflaw
    May 6th, 2008 at 9:50 pm […] their credit, WordPress has refused to censor the blog themselves. This makes them better than Google (who owns […]

    May 6th, 2008 at 10:44 pm The blog of bilions of brazilians will stop if this continue.

    May 6th, 2008 at 11:04 pm Brasil é o pais da Martelada hahaha, parece piada…
    Aconteceu a mesma coisa com o Counter Strike, Bares fechados em favelas a noite, etc…
    Já virou festa…

    Law Authorities here in Brazil were always enthusiastic in Dictatorship ways so they won’t need anymore to trace the real persons behind a isolated stupid/illegal act. It´s easier to them to Put a Great Wall around the other ppl which don’t ever get any threat to anyone.

    May 6th, 2008 at 11:04 pm It’s sad if free speech does not apply to all.
    Good luck!

    May 6th, 2008 at 11:10 pm I’m getting hits from Brazil again, good

    May 7th, 2008 at 12:01 am Thanks Matt and the WordPress crew.
    Quite frankly, I’m getting sick and tired of all the stupid moves brazillian judges are ruling nowadays.
    It all began with the YouTube Cicarelli’s case, moving on to Counter Strike and Everquest, and now this.
    It’s a pity, because here in Brazil we do have some brilliant minds. Unfortunately, they don’t represent a very big share among judges or some other very important jobs.

    All I heard about judges these past few months is about they trying to save face from other 2 criminals which also happens to be their colleagues (that assassin, and the judge who let that girl go to a male prison for a month).

    Either they didn’t read the constitution, they don’t actually know their own cases, or they don’t care about the consequences of their acts.
    Not to mention public opinion.

    Keep up the good fight!

    Juiz Brasileiro quer bloquear o WordPress no Brasil [Povão] « .::Guaraná com Rolha::.
    May 7th, 2008 at 12:05 am […] Fonte: WordPress.com […]

    Lucas Martins
    May 7th, 2008 at 12:06 am ridículo! querer bloquear milhares de blogs, com temas variados e interessantes, por conta de um só?



    Dudu Maroja
    May 7th, 2008 at 12:25 am Isso não vai dar em nada como sempre, de tempos e tempos surge uma fagulha de autoritarismo nesses velhos juizes que são saudozistas de tempos de completo poder sobre a sociedade.. vemos juizes proibindo jogos, blogs e etc, criminosos, politicos corruptos, e até juiz assassino ficam por ai impunes.

    from time to time, rises sparks of autoritarims in this old Judges that misses times when they have complete power over society, we see judges forbiding games, blogs and etc.. but criminals, bad politicians and a muder judger goes free withou any trial…

    May 7th, 2008 at 2:37 am انا مو فاهمة شي ولا أعرف انجلش الا ع قدي

    May 7th, 2008 at 3:03 am Não ao bloqueio do WordPress no Brasil.

    Sim a liberdade.

    wordpress.com block in Brazil » NITTians.com
    May 7th, 2008 at 3:59 am […] http://wordpress.com/blog/2008/04/30/wordpresscom-in-brazil/ […]

    May 7th, 2008 at 4:20 am ***

    May 7th, 2008 at 4:55 am Matt,
    Thanks for taken up the issue and continue fighting against the wrong decision. Blocking a whole domain because of 1 stupid blogger? that’s not right. If the judge’s intention was only determinate the block of one specific blog that contained outlaw material, they can request WordPress authority to take immediate action on that stupid blogger and to block that blog. But why all bloggers of the whole country suffer?

    May 7th, 2008 at 5:14 am Diabolical. Rather like Thailand blocking Youtube for 6 months a year ago – due to one single video post.

    Jonas Rand
    May 7th, 2008 at 5:41 am Censorship on the Internet has gone too crazy. It is a shame that people cannot appreciate the gift that is free speech. In most cases, this would be wrong. I don’t know the contents of the blog, so I can’t say. It just astonishes me and depresses me how so many peoples’ freedom is lost due to censorship.

    If it does not violate the terms of service, then the censorship of the blog (let alone the entire website) is going too far and is wrong, period. If it is not racist, sexist, ageist, or otherwise hateful or discriminatory, then censorship of the content offends me.The terms of service states:

    “the Content is not obscene, libelous or defamatory (more info on what that means), hateful or racially or ethnically objectionable, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party; ”

    It is a disgrace to the world and the Internet that non-hateful material is censored. Thank you, Matt, for posting this.

    Paula Góes
    May 7th, 2008 at 7:06 am Hello, Matt

    As it seems, the blog has been now deleted – or at least it is marked as “This blog is inactive”.

    I heard about the changes in the WP’s T&C, which now says: “By making Content available, you represent and warrant that: […] your blog is not named in a manner that misleads your readers into thinking that you are another person or company. For example, your blog’s URL or name is not the name of a person other than yourself or company other than your own”.

    I wonder if the two things are connected? Because otherwise I’d agree with ucha above, the T&C really cover everything that would be considered abusive or unacceptable.

    Would you let us know? We are all about to be killed as cats – by curiosity.

    Thank you!

    May 7th, 2008 at 7:31 am Bit annoying…But cool.

    May 7th, 2008 at 9:10 am how to say thank you in portugese
    gratsis is it

    May 7th, 2008 at 9:28 am Hi all!

    …. …

    WordPress! WordPress!

    Do I need to say more?

    Go for it tiger!

    BTW… I do not really agree with (d). It should be either ‘we’ or nothing.

    If we have one blog blocked just when somebody feels like powerful enough to do so… It’s not only discrimination but also any blog could be blocked.

    Besides, when has Brazil the rights to interfere with the rights of other state members for their thoughts and culture??? And when has Brazil the rights to interfere WordPress or States’ sovereignty? When has Brazil become the king of Cyberspace to dictate???

    But as I have mentioned… this is the perfect example of barbaric actions any state can do. To the Brazilian courts, or other states’ courts, they are probably too used to be all powerful.

    I am with WordPress on this.


    May 7th, 2008 at 3:28 pm yeah, man, xa era tempo

    May 7th, 2008 at 4:30 pm Thanks for the reaction to this!

    Flávio Gomes
    May 7th, 2008 at 4:44 pm Lamentável qualquer forma de censura.
    Já foi com o Youtube, agora com o wordpress?

    May 7th, 2008 at 5:26 pm esta bien

    May 7th, 2008 at 5:53 pm Again?
    Adnan Oktar part 2, I guess

    May 7th, 2008 at 11:03 pm Legal, fui o primeiro a postar em inglês sobre o bloqueio do WordPress.com no Brasil e nem recebi um link aqui, mesmo meu blog sendo hospedado aqui O.o

    May 7th, 2008 at 11:56 pm OMG!!!!!!!…….Its imazing

    May 7th, 2008 at 11:57 pm The censorship still pursue Brazil.

    May 8th, 2008 at 12:18 am We are sorry this is happening-everything will more than work for you guys in this matter-because of the wonderful work you are doing for so many that arent even aware that you even exist- we love you guys let us know if there is ever anything we can do that could help you — thanks pixy and THE CREE-A-TOR

    May 8th, 2008 at 2:54 am As WP user I seriously hope this will be sorted out real soon coz I certainly don’t wanna lose my blog because of a piece of sh*t that simply misused his freedom of expression and most probably posted abusive or graphic material on his blog. Ah well…let’s hope for the best. Thanks Marcel and Matt for the elucidation on the process.

    WordPress Wednesday News: WordPress 2.5.1 Released, WordPress 2008 in August, Plugins Contest, 3 Million, WordPress.com Responds to Brazil Court Ban, and More : The Blog Herald
    May 8th, 2008 at 3:21 am […] Banned in Brazil: Matt Mullenweg has responded to the issue of WordPress.com banned in Brazil, as discussed previously, with a court injunction that describes what WordPress.com is, how it […]

    May 8th, 2008 at 4:16 am nice…….

    Porrada Blog | Sobre o bloqueio do wordpress.com
    May 8th, 2008 at 5:17 am […] WordPress.com Posts Relacionados:Filme Porno da Regininha Poltergeist sai em Junho by Porrada Blog on April 30th, 2007Informação exclusiva do excelente site .Thammy Miranda em Video Pornô Lésbico by Porrada Blog on July 19th, 2007.Artilheiro: Cai na rede video porno de Vagner Love e Pamela Butt (Quem?) by Porrada Blog on February 2nd, 2008Antes de tudo, vamos para uma pequena introdução, Pamela Butt é uma atriz pornô que dentre os seus grandes feitos, atuou com Tevez, o anão do Pânico na Tv.Bomba: Julia Paes Namorada de Thammy em filme porno by Porrada Blog on May 28th, 2007.Rita Cadillac grava clipe de banda de forró e diz que não vai mais atuar em filmes pornôs by Porrada Blog on June 21st, 2007Rita Cadillac gravou clipe para a banda de forró Arriba Saia, nesta quarta-feira, 20, em São Paulo. Thank you for reading this post. You can now Leave A Comment (0) or Leave A Trackback. […]

    Mateus Valente
    May 8th, 2008 at 5:35 am eu acho que isso é uma palhaçada, o brasil está tentando bloquear ou fazer algo com a pirataria, mas eu já notei que vários blogs que induzem a pirataria são bloqueados por violar os termos de uso do wordpress, então não sei o que o Brasil está achando …. sinceramente é burrice tentar bloquear um sistema de tamanha magnetude, a maioria dos blogs de conteúdo pirata trabalha em outros sistemas de blogs, e acho que uma minoria que usa plataforma wordpress PHP o que não quer dizer que está vinculado com o servidor da wordpress, e sim usando sómente a plataforma , e acho que o Brasil confunde isso tudo, quero ver o Brasil tentar bloquear o emule, utorrent, comunidades torrent, não sou contra a pirataria de maneira alguma, mas se o Brasil fizer isso logo logo vamos encher o país de servidores proxy, e ai quero ver alguem bloquer alguma coisa

    gostaria de saber qual é o risco do wordpress ser bloqueado ?
    e se o conteúdo do site continuará ou o blog será delatado.. ?

    abraço e obrigado!

    WordPress.com in Brazil « News Worldwide
    May 8th, 2008 at 8:58 am […] http://wordpress.com/blog/2008/04/30/wordpresscom-in-brazil/ […]

    May 8th, 2008 at 1:12 pm This is how things work here in Brazil. People are so unfamiliar with internet subjects that, whenever there is a problem, they tend to, as we say here “throw the baby away with the water of his bath”. Recently, a court order here in Brazil demanded that orkut would open many of its profiles that are suspect of child abuse and pedofilia. Even though this might be a legitimate concern, measures that announce a return of censorship here in Brazil are increasingly appearing and this “attack” to wordpress is, unfortunatelly, just one of them.

    I guess we didn’t learn enough with our dictatorship period…

    Iranian Ajax
    May 8th, 2008 at 3:26 pm What is up with these countries. Primitive!

    “A country that prefers disgrace to danger is prepared for a master. . . and deserves one” ~~ Alexander Hamilton

    May 8th, 2008 at 3:31 pm Well done, it’s good to know that you’re defending our freedom of expression. We as free wordpress free bloggers are appreciating this, don’t-you-forget! We will make this known to our country too, Greece.

    Bom senso impera, WordPress evita bloqueio « Coméquipodi?
    May 8th, 2008 at 8:31 pm […] 8 de Maio , 2008 às 1:49 · Arquivado em Cotidiano, Leis, Mercado Atualização: Aparentemente, o WordPress não chegou a um acordo com a justiça… Alguém está com a notícia errada. O […]

    Carlos Matos
    May 8th, 2008 at 10:05 pm It only shows Brazilian judges are spending much time than they should with pointless cases. Unfortunately, the legal sphere in our country remains exactly the same it was in the beginning of the 20th century.

    If blocked, thousands of Brazilians will be damaged because one single user posted illegal issues. Please take a look on this case, all in the world needs to see Brazil is a promising country, commanded by idiot people. Good luck for us, we’ll need it.

    Carlos Matos
    May 8th, 2008 at 10:11 pm This is not related to any censorship, it’s only one more judge looking for his “five minutes as a star”, as we would say. My suggestion – let’s search for a photo of that judge, and making a picture with his photo and something written just like “please, go after the real criminals”. Afterwards all of us can add it on our blogs.

    May 8th, 2008 at 11:48 pm How long can we continue to afford national borders?

    Bloqueio WordPress « Reverb
    May 8th, 2008 at 11:50 pm […] A ameaça de bloqueio da comunidade wordpress, fez o alto escalão da WordPress se mexer, conforme já havia citado a ameaça de bloqueio de todos os blogs, hospedados no […]

    Cecilia Lucchese
    May 9th, 2008 at 1:10 am Thank you Matt. I think finally (some day!) the justice will understand that lovers split is not a judge stuff. And we don’t have anything with this case.

    Finalmente… « Mel do Sol
    May 9th, 2008 at 12:45 pm […] Finalmente… …o WordPress se manifesta sobre as notícas acerca do bloqueio dos seus blogs brasileiros. Lá vai o link. […]

    May 9th, 2008 at 1:37 pm Alguém poderia explicar a esse juiz que o wordpress não é responsável pelos conteúdos dos blogs? Se as empresas fossem responsáveis pela má utilização dos seus serviços (como eles alegam), o juiz teria não só de acabar com o wordpress, mas também com todos os blogs, e-mail´s, grupos, orkut, youtube, etc… Isso seria 99% da internet, não?

    May 9th, 2008 at 1:38 pm Colem selos em seu blog para protesto no site:naoaobloqueio.wordpress.com

    Gastão Muri
    May 9th, 2008 at 2:43 pm Long life to free press!

    May 9th, 2008 at 3:53 pm Thanks Marcel for defending our freedom of expression. I will write about it for my fellow Germans so that your effort won’t be ignored…

    Tiago Medina
    May 9th, 2008 at 8:20 pm Sou contra o bloqueio, mas pelo que entendi com o texto acima, a Justiça não pode censurar, mas o WordPress sim, isso?
    De qualquer forma, espero que essa palhaçada de bloqueio não se concretize.

    WP: a incapacidade geral em lidar com o problema — Chá Quente
    May 9th, 2008 at 10:45 pm […] mar de merda digital do caso WordPress, são poucos os que merecem aplausos. A Automattic, Leonardi e Ghedin são três deles, sem sombra de […]

    Josef Boberg
    May 10th, 2008 at 8:12 pm Hmmm… /with best regards from Josef

    May 11th, 2008 at 9:39 am Your work and your interest for this argument is very loved. I appreciate it.

    May 11th, 2008 at 11:02 am VIVA! free speech Viva!

    [as long as It doesn’t harm anyone, especially children]


    control of people – in what they hear and can say – is the first step down the dehumanising road of extreme thinking and acting – on both sides of the spectrum

    it’s always those who are guilty of human rights infringements that start to censure the people – dodgy regimes and that club of old greedy power hungry farts are experts at the art of censorship and changing their constitutions! what buffoons! history will not talk well of them and hopefully they will be arrested and tried.

    “If you kill one person, you go to jail. If you kill 40 people, they put you in an insane asylum. But if you kill 40, 000 people, you get a comfortable exile with a bank account in another country and that’s what we want to change here,”
    Reed Brody, Human Rights Watch …….

    May 11th, 2008 at 12:45 pm […] have just read WordPress’ announcement re Brazil and the possibility of them being shut […]

    Viva a ditadura! « volume no dez
    May 11th, 2008 at 2:21 pm […] este post para entender melhor a […]

    May 11th, 2008 at 10:43 pm Boa sorte nessa empreitada. Que dê tudo certo!!!!!

    To block or not to block ? « Machine Intelligence ?
    May 12th, 2008 at 2:08 am […] May 12, 2008 in Cyberspace and Web I was mentioning in my last post that after a brief interruption (two weeks !) I was coming back with new posts and then, suddenly, there comes up the news that WordPress.com was about to be blocked in Brazil. So, I decided to wait a little bit more to see if it will gonna happen at all and concentrate only in the other blog to my undergrad students. I followed the news, that Marcel Leonardi (many thanks to him !) was doing a great job defending WordPress (and, consequently, all of us) in the case. It was then published that WordPress decided to block the offending blog in question and changed some rules in the contract (I got the following from Paula Góes comment on Matt’s announcement on the case): […]

    May 12th, 2008 at 2:04 pm Can we get the URL of that blog which is reason of WordPress blocking by Brazil? I know that it’s maybe confidential, but blog is free for readers. I can Google for it, but better you to tell me… Thanks in advance.

    May 12th, 2008 at 2:35 pm Sinto-me profundamente preocupada com todos os fatos relacionados a esta ação judicial. Não sei exatamente a que ela se refere, mas – embora não concordando jamais com a exclusão brasileira de acesso ao valioso e insuperável serviço que o worpress nos oferece e defende tão responsavelmente -, temo ao pensar qual seja a “matéria” infringidora da legislação brasileira [de fato, só consigo pensar mesmo em coisas completamente aleatórias às garantias legais constitucionais da nossa cidadania, como motivo para uma tal ação].
    Temo mais profundamente por ocupar o espaço maravilhosamente cedido e o serviço indiscritivelmente excelente da wordpress, ao ter um blog de matérias controvertidas e polêmicas que, de certa forma, indiscutivelmente não são concordantes com a media principal, embora plenamente concordantes com as disposições legais brasileiras e as normas éticas, não só da wordpress, mas mundiamente estabelecidas, defendidas e acatadas.
    Alio-me a defesa do acesso à wordpress [que também é a nossa defesa e medida contracensura] e mais uma vez expresso meu agradecimento por fazer parte desta comunidade.

    May 12th, 2008 at 10:16 pm and latinoamerica?

    May 13th, 2008 at 7:12 pm Thank God for our country here in the USA that grants us the RIGHT to freedom of speech, regardless of what is being said.

    May 14th, 2008 at 9:16 am like china.

    Wh’appens in Brazilian tribunals? It’s the justice, stupid! « de(e)pre(ce)ssion
    May 14th, 2008 at 3:39 pm […] http://wordpress.com/blog/2008/04/30/wordpresscom-in-brazil/ […]

    Blog to be moved? « Brazil Nuts
    May 14th, 2008 at 5:14 pm […] http://wordpress.com/blog/2008/04/30/wordpresscom-in-brazil/ […]

    Edição Especial – Diga Não a Censura « Musashinm
    May 16th, 2008 at 9:19 pm […] Segue a Resposta da Equipe WordPress à decisão da justiça (?) […]

    The WordPress Podcast » Episode 41: WordPress 2.5.1 released, Webware 100
    May 19th, 2008 at 3:13 am […] WordPress.com blocked in Brazil. […]

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  12. http://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2008/05/25/thabo-mbeki-denonce-l-inhumanite-des-violences-xenophobes-en-afrique-du-sud_1049389_3212.html?xtor=RSS-3210

    Remettons ces violences dans le contexte local et historique. Ne nous bornons pas à regarder ces événements uniquement avec notre regard occidental. Rien ne justifie ces actes, mais le contexte explique en partie ce type de réaction. Par contre cela peut être un indicateur sur ce qui se passe ou peut se passer dans nos contrés à l’heure actuelle ou dans un avenir plus ou moins proche (situation des Roms en Italie, gestion actuelle et en prévision des mouvements migratoires en Europe ….)


  13. Information Service Geneva 26 May 2008



    Subject: A few outcomes of the World Health Assembly.
    Speakers: Dr Ala Alwan , Assistant Director-general, Noncommunicable diseases and Mental health, WHO
    Dr Elil Renganathan, Executive Secretary, Secretariat on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property (PHI)
    Date/Time: Wednesday 28 May 2008, 10:15am
    Place: Press Room I
    Requested by: Ms F. Chaib, tel 022 791 3228

    cc: Security



    Dear Dr Brennan,
    It was so nice talking to you earlier today. As I mentioned briefly I’m the editor of Diva International (www.divainternational.ch) a magazine for the international community mainly in Geneva but also in NY, Paris… Our readers consist mainly of diplomats and other internationals.

    On Friday a journalist colleague and I will pass through Lyons, and we would like to do something on Cancer as we both think it does not get the media coverage that it deserves.

    So it would be nice if you could help us so that we can really do something nice to talk about this disease, so that people can know a little bit more about all the progress that has been made, the challenges etc.

    Hope to hear from you
    Best regards,


  15. HR/08/59
    27 May 2008


    The Preparatory Committee for the Review Conference on Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance (also known as the Durban Review Conference) announced on Monday, 26 May that it will hold the Review Conference in Geneva from 20 to 24 April 2009.

    The date, duration and venue of the conference were still outstanding at the end of a two-week meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) earlier in May, and the session was briefly resumed on Monday to complete the initial planning of the conference.

    The original World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance was held in Durban, South Africa, from 31 August to 8 September 2001.

    The purpose of the Review Conference, which was reaffirmed by the PrepCom, is to review progress and assess implementation – at national, regional and international levels – of the Declaration and Plan of Action adopted by the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. It will also assess the effectiveness of the existing follow-up systems and other relevant UN mechanisms, promote universal ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and identify and share good practices. The review process will, in addition, identify concrete measures and initiatives for combating and eliminating these phenomena.

    The PrepCom – which is open to all UN Member States – had already reached agreement on a range of fundamental issues including the accreditation of NGOs and the process involved in drafting the Review Conference’s outcome document. An intergovernmental working group started work on the content of that document on Monday.

    The Preparatory Committee is expected to hold a second and final substantive session towards the end of the year. A number of regional sessions will also be held, with the first scheduled to take place in Brasilia from 17-19 June 2008.


  16. Cette femme s’est engagée dans l’action politique, au début des années 1970, avec la volonté de mettre fin aux injustices de la société américaine. Ayant épousé un brillant camarade d’études issu d’une famille pauvre de l’Arkansas, elle a considéré qu’il était mieux placé qu’elle, dans les années 1980, pour faire avancer leurs idéaux communs. Elle a été sa partenaire dans la conquête du pouvoir, en 1992.

    Consultez les archives du journal, tous les articles parus dans « Le Monde » depuis 1987.
    Abonnez-vous au Monde.fr : 6€ par mois + 30 jours offerts
    Eclairage Etats-Unis : Barack Obama joue l’unité des démocrates

    Les faits Mme Clinton tente de se justifier d’une gaffe sur M. Obama

    Compte rendu Hillary Clinton provoque un vent de fronde après ses propos sur Robert Kennedy

    Son Hillary Clinton a commis « l’erreur de négliger les caucus »

    Les clés Les quatre raisons du maintien de Hillary Clinton dans la course à l’investiture

    Les clés Les candidats démocrates

    A la Maison Blanche, chargée du projet d’assurance-maladie promis pendant la campagne, elle a échoué, en 1994, devant l’hostilité de la droite, mais aussi du fait de sa propre intransigeance et de ses maladresses. Après l’épreuve qu’ont été l’affaire Lewinsky et l’impeachment du président Bill Clinton, en 1998, elle a décidé de mener sa propre carrière en se présentant au Sénat, en 2000, dans l’Etat de New York. Sa réélection, en 2006, a démontré sa réussite.

    Hillary Clinton apparaissait alors comme la candidate démocrate la plus forte pour enlever la Maison Blanche au Parti républicain, en 2008, au terme des deux mandats de George Bush. Soutenue dans le parti, appuyée sur des donateurs qui lui donnaient les moyens d’une campagne puissante, confiante dans sa connaissance des dossiers, elle était la candidate « inévitable ».

    C’était compter sans l’aspiration de nombreux Américains à tourner la page des affrontements hérités des années 1960. C’était ignorer la répugnance de beaucoup devant une « restauration » Clinton, après celle de la famille Bush en 2000. C’était méconnaître, surtout, la personnalité et la force de conviction d’un jeune sénateur de l’Illinois, Barack Obama, qui a su faire naître, dans le pays, un enthousiasme comme les Etats-Unis n’en avaient pas éprouvé depuis longtemps.

    Face à ce défi, dont la dimension s’est affirmée dès la victoire de M. Obama dans les caucus de l’Iowa, début janvier, Mme Clinton s’est battue courageusement, sinon toujours dignement. Les faits sont là : elle n’a pas réuni le nombre de délégués nécessaire pour être désignée comme candidate par la convention qui se réunira fin août à Denver, et elle n’a plus aucune chance d’y parvenir. Il est plus que temps, pour elle, de l’admettre et de démontrer la sincérité de son engagement en apportant son soutien à l’homme auquel la majorité des électeurs démocrates a choisi de faire confiance.

    Article paru dans l’édition du 27.05.08.
    Abonnez-vous au Monde à -60%


    Un site islamiste menace l’Europe et les Etats-Unis
    NOUVELOBS.COM | 28.05.2008 | 08:22

    Une vidéo diffusée sur internet appelle des terroristes à créer et à faire exploser des armes de destruction massive aux Etats-Unis et en Europe.
    Le centre de surveillance de sites internet islamistes, le SITE Institute, a annoncé mardi 27 mai qu’une vidéo demandant à des terroristes de créer et de faire exploser des armes de destruction massive aux Etats-Unis et en Europe a été mise en ligne.
    Le document, qui dure 39 minutes et qui est intitulé « Guerre nucléaire: la terreur ultime », a été trouvé sur le site d’al-Ekhlaas le 25 mai, a affirmé le SITE dans un communiqué.
    « L’idée de tuer de nombreuses personnes nous est admise, et doit être comprise comme une façon de traiter les autres de la même manière, donc je dis que le terrorisme dans leurs pays doit pouvoir impliquer des pertes humaines et que ces pertes humaines doivent résulter de l’utilisation d’armes de destruction massive », indique la vidéo, selon la transcription du SITE.

    « rien de fracassant »

    Le porte-parole du FBI Richard Kolko a minimisé la vidéo, jugeant qu’elle « n’avait rien de fracassant ».
    Dans le dernier enregistrement attribué à Oussama ben Laden, et mis en ligne le 18 mai, le chef d’Al-Qaïda avait pris pour cible les dirigeants occidentaux pour leur participation aux célébrations du 60e anniversaire d’Israël, affirmant que les musulmans ne renonceraient à « aucun pouce de la Palestine ».
    Activement recherché mais toujours introuvable, Oussama ben Laden, dont la tête est mise à prix pour 25 millions de dollars par les Etats-Unis, a revendiqué la responsabilité des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 qui ont fait près de 3.000 morts aux Etats-Unis et ont conduit à l’invasion de l’Afghanistan.


  18. HC/08/30
    28 May 2008


    The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour today expressed her profound disappointment at the extension on 27 May of the detention under house arrest of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the National League for Democracy in Myanmar. She also expressed concern about the arrest on Tuesday of at least 15 members of the National League for Democracy who were marching towards Aung San Suu Kyi’s house.

    “These continued severe restrictions on the freedom of expression and movement against Aung San Suu Kyi contravene basic human rights. They come at a time when the people of Myanmar are suffering hard and their suffering should not by compounded by more restrictive measures,” said Ms. Arbour.

    The High Commissioner for Human Rights called on the Government of Myanmar to unconditionally release Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been confined in her home for 12 of the last 18 years. Her latest house arrest began in 2003. Her release will be critical in facilitating national reconciliation and democratic transition, to which the Myanmar leadership has committed itself, Ms. Arbour added.



    Comment 1 homme choisit sa femme*

    Un homme avait 3 copines mais il ne savait laquelle marier.

    Alors il s’est résolu à faire un test, pour voir laquelle était plus apte

    à être sa femme.

    Il a retiré 15 mille euros de sa banque, donné 5 mille à chacune et a dit:

    – Dépensez comme vous voulez.

    La 1ère a été au shopping, acheté des habits, bijoux, est allé chez le

    coiffeur,institut de beauté etc.

    De retour vers l’homme elle dit:

    – J’ai dépensé tout ton argent pour être plus belle pour toi, pour te

    plaire:Tout ça parce que je t’aime.

    La 2ème a été au même shopping, a acheté des habits pour elle, 1

    lecteur CD, 1 télé écran plat, 2 paires de tennis.Cannes de golf et

    films pornos. De retour vers l’homme elle dit:

    – J’ai dépensé tout ton argent pour te rendre heureux, te plaire.

    Tout ça parce que je t’aime.

    La 3ème a pris l’argent, a investi dans la bourse. En trois jours a

    doublé son investissement, a rendu les 5 mil Euros à l’homme et dit:

    – J’ai investi ton argent et j’ai gagné le mien.Maintenant je peux

    faire ce que je veux avec mon argent. Tout ça parce que je t’aime.

    Alors l’homme réfléchit,








    réfléchit… (les hommes, réfléchissent beaucoup…)
























    réfléchit…(les hommes réfléchissent vraiment beaucoup…)
















    Et il se maria avec celle qui avait les plus gros seins et les plus jolies fesses.

    Oui (parce qu’un homme, réfléchit beaucoup… mais après il fait

    toujours la même bêtise!)



    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour said Wednesday she was shocked by the news that several more bodies of murdered political activists have been found in Zimbabwe in recent days, and strongly condemned the killings, as well as the continuing harassment of NGO workers, human rights defenders and other members of civil society.

    A number of bodies of slain political activists for the opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), have reportedly been discovered over the past week, including that of an MDC provincial treasurer, Shepherd Jani, whose body was found on 24 May, three days after he had been reported abducted by four men with guns. The body of another MDC activist, Tonderai Ndira, was also identified earlier this week, some two weeks after he was allegedly taken from his home by armed men.

    “It is hard to get a very precise picture of the full range of the violence, or the exact number of politically motivated extra-judicial killings,” Ms. Arbour said. “At one level, there appears to be an increasing pattern of people being targeted for politically motivated assassination. At another, arrests, harassment, intimidation and violence – directed not just at people with political affiliations, but also at members of civil society – are continuing on a daily basis.”

    Ms. Arbour urged the Zimbabwean authorities to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the murders and other unlawful acts, and to take urgent steps to protect all the country’s inhabitants from further attacks in order to create an atmosphere conducive for a free and fair presidential election on 27 June.

    Ms. Arbour said that the news of more killings in Zimbabwe also gave an even sharper edge to the recent large-scale violence directed against migrants and refugees in neighbouring South Africa. “For some of the Zimbabweans being chased from their homes and jobs in South Africa, this isn’t simply a serious economic issue,” Ms. Arbour said. “They now face a potentially a life-threatening situation in both countries. I welcome the steps the South African Government has taken recently to clamp down on the xenophobic violence, and hope that such scenes are never seen again in South Africa.”


  21. Le prix du pétrole brut a dépassé le seuil de 139 dollars le baril pour la première fois vendredi 6 juin, réalisant un envol jamais vu en une séance. A 20 h 45 (heure de Paris), sur le New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), le baril de « light sweet crude » pour livraison en juillet a touché le niveau sans précédent de 139,01 dollars, tandis que sur l’Intercontinental Exchange de Londres, le baril de brent de la mer du Nord est monté jusqu’à 138,12 dollars. Des tarifs qui effacent largement les précédents records du 22 mai où le baril avait atteint 135,14 dollars à Londres et 135,09 dollars à New York.

    Consultez les archives du journal, tous les articles parus dans « Le Monde » depuis 1987.
    Abonnez-vous au Monde.fr : 6€ par mois + 30 jours offerts

    Les faits Les Bourses européennes finissent la semaine dans le rouge

    Les faits Le chômage aux Etats-Unis au plus haut depuis quatre ans

    Les faits La BCE pourrait augmenter ses taux en juillet

    Entretien Comment faire face au troisième choc pétrolier ?

    Infographie Pétrole : de moins en moins de découvertes

    Edition abonnés Thématique : Pétrole : le troisième choc

    Dans un contexte de baisse du dollar, d’offre stagnante et de demande vigoureuse, les cours ont gagné plus de dix dollars durant la seule séance de vendredi. En dépit de nombreux signes de rationnement chez les consommateurs, qui semblent avoir atteint un seuil d’intolérance, le pétrole est donc reparti à la hausse.


    Ce bond s’additionne au gain de cinq dollars du jeudi 5 juin, qui avait mis fin à un éphémère mouvement de correction, le baril étant redescendu à 122 dollars en début de semaine. La pause fut de courte durée en raison d’un repli du dollar. En effet, à la suite des déclarations de Jean-Claude Trichet, le président de la Banque centrale européenne qui a évoqué une future hausse des taux d’intérêts européens, le billet vert est retombé entraînant une reprise à la hausse du cours du brut.

    La glissade du dollar s’est encore accentuée, vendredi, après les mauvais chiffres de l’emploi américain, qui ont révélé une remontée du chômage en mai, à son plus haut niveau en près de quatre ans, à 5,5 % . »Il semble que beaucoup d’investisseurs aient utilisé la baisse du dollar comme un prétexte pour retourner sur le marché, après quelques prises de bénéfices. Cette nouvelle envolée du pétrole confirme que les tendances à long terme sont toujours intactes », a estimé Andrey Kryuchenkov de la maison de courtage Sucden.
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    REUTERS/© Caren Firouz / Reuters
    En dépit de nombreux signes de rationnement chez les consommateurs, qui semblent avoir atteint un seuil d’intolérance, le pétrole est reparti à la hausse.

    nathalie m. :
    «Quand on voit la plupart des véhicules continuer de rouler à 130/140 km/h sur autoroute, à 90/100 sur nationale et à plus de 50 en ville, on peut avoir des doutes sur le fait que le « seuil d’intolérance » soit atteint et que les automobilistes commencent à s’autorationner…
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    BUREAU VERITAS : Information sur contrat de liquidité
    ETAM DEVELOPPEMENT : Documents préparatoires à l’AG
    CLARINS : Information relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital
    NRJ GROUP : Information relative au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital LES DEPECHES : ECONOMIE avec Reuters
    Le pétrole flambe et le brut américain dépasse les 139 dollars Reuters 06.06.08 | 23h21
    Le brut américain flambe et dépasse les 139 dollars Reuters 06.06.08 | 22h53
    Edition abonnés RPT-FACTBOX-Protests around the globe as oil prices pinch Reuters 03h49
    Edition abonnés Argentine farm groups to lift protest on Monday Reuters 03h01
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  23. BEYROUTH (Reuters) – Nicolas Sarkozy évoque une nouvelle page dans les relations franco-syriennes, dans une interview publiée samedi par les quotidiens libanais L’Orient-Le Jour, Assafir et Annahar, le jour de sa venue à Beyrouth pour apporter son soutien au président du Liban Michel Souleïmane.

    « Aujourd’hui, une nouvelle page est peut-être en train de s’ouvrir dans les relations entre la France et la Syrie », déclare le président français.

    « Depuis trop longtemps, la situation de blocage et de crise au Liban empêchait la reprise progressive d’un dialogue, je veux dire d’un dialogue qui permette à nos deux pays de parler de leurs intérêts communs », poursuit-il. « Les choses sont peut-être en train de changer. C’est en tout cas ce que je souhaite. »

    La Syrie est soupçonnée d’avoir longtemps empêché l’élection d’un nouveau président libanais.

    Après avoir repris contact avec Damas, Nicolas Sarkozy avait annoncé le 30 décembre dernier la suspension de ce dialogue avec les autorités syriennes tant que des développements « positifs et concrets » ne seraient pas intervenus au Liban.

    L’accord de Doha, qui a permis l’élection de Michel Souleïmane par les députés libanais le 25 mai après six mois de crise, cette élection et la reconduction de Fouad Siniora au poste de Premier ministre constituent de tels développements, estime Nicolas Sarkozy.

    Le président français en avait tiré les conséquences en téléphonant au président syrien. Il explique qu’il a alors fait part à Bachar al-Assad de son souhait de voir la mise en oeuvre de l’accord de Doha poursuivie.

    « Je lui ai aussi dit que les pourparlers indirects de son pays avec Israël, via la Turquie, allaient également dans le bon sens et je l’ai encouragé sur cette voie », ajoute-t-il.

    Nicolas Sarkozy a saisi l’occasion pour inviter Bachar al-Assad à participer au sommet de l’Union pour la Méditerranée, qui se tiendra le 13 juillet à Paris.

    « Mon souhait, mon espoir est que Damas contribue positivement à faire en sorte que (le Liban) redevienne ce qu’il n’aurait jamais dû cesser d’être : un pays ouvert et prospère, uni dans la diversité, sûr et stable, souverain et indépendant », conclut-il. « Tout le monde devrait trouver intérêt à la stabilisation du Liban. »

    Emmanuel Jarry


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